Welcome To Your Pet PacMan Frog Kit Instructions
Expected Life Span: up to 10 years
Lifestyle: Terrestrial (lives on the ground)
Level of Care: Good for beginners
General Appearance: Called “Pac-Man” frogs due to their fairly round shape, really large mouth and big appetite which makes them resemble the popular video game character. Also called “Horned Frogs” due to the presence of horn-like fleshy knobs on the top of their eyes.
Observing: They are called a ‘pet’ but frogs are not actually a pet you play with. Rather, these frogs are great for observing and appreciating in their habitat – much like fish in a tank.
Setting up the Habitat:
Frogs are delicate and are not tolerant of much handling. We suggest children under 5 not be allowed to touch the frog and older children do so only with adult supervision.
If you purchased our habitat kit, set it up upon arrival:
- Our kit it comes with 8 peat pellets. Put them in the habitat and add 1 ¼ cup water.
- After 1 hour of soaking the peat pellets, remove the outer wrapper of the pellet and spread the peat in the bottom of the habitat. Note how damp the peat is, as this is how damp the peat should be kept at all times.
- Move most of the peat to one side and add your water dish to the other side. You want to create enough height on the peat side so your frog can easily climb in and out of their water dish. Pack the peat up to the lip of the dish so it is easy for the frog to access. Fill dish half way with tap water. Add your décor.
Caring for PacMan Frogs:
Feeding: Your frog may not want to eat for the first week or two after arriving, this is normal. PacMan frogs are not particular about their food…if it moves and they can catch it, they will happily eat it. These frogs rely on movement to recognize food so it will not eat freeze dried or other immobile foods. Crickets, worms and other small creepy crawlies form the bulk of the frog’s diet. They have been known to eat small fish like guppies or even pinky mice. They can recognize routine – if you feed them at the same time every day, you’ll start to find them waiting for their meal. Any uneaten prey should be removed from the enclosure the next day to prevent dead insects from polluting the frog’s environment. We suggest you sprinkle a little calcium or multivitamin powder onto the feeder bugs every other feeding. While small PacMan frogs should be fed every 2 or 3 days, larger frogs can be fed less frequently. The best guide is to feed based on your frog’s body condition – if your frog is getting too round and fat, cut back how often it is fed.
Temperature: Frogs are cold-blooded, meaning they can’t regulate their body temperature on their own. A heater is not usually necessary as these frogs are comfortable at room temperature, but if your home is cold you should consider a small heat light for extra warmth.
Water & Humidity: These frogs like high humidity. You can help keep the humidity high by using a plant mister to spray the habitat with water once a day or more. If you purchased our kit it includes a small mister. Peat moss bedding helps to retain moisture in the habitat. Be sure to regularly check your peat moss to make sure it remains moist. The easiest way to check is to grab a handful of the peat moss and squeeze, just a little water should drip out. Pacman frogs need a water dish to soak in, but it must be shallow to prevent drowning. These frogs don’t “drink” water, they instead absorb it into their bodies. It’s vital that the water be clean so make sure to rinse their dish and replace the water every few days.
Cleaning: Keep your habitat clean. A complete change of the substrate every 2 weeks is recommended. Spot clean between substrate changes. When you move the frog into another container to clean his habitat, gently lift them with your fingers being careful not to poke, pinch or squeeze him. If he feels threatened, he may bite you. Frogs are extremely sensitive to soaps and detergents so use only hot water to rinse the habitat and décor. Always wash your hands after handling the habitat contents.
Know your PacMan Frog: PacMan frogs are native to most of the South American rain forests in Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina. They are mainly inactive and so do not need a large habitat, even though the frog can get large. If you purchased our habitat, it can last for many years or even their lifetime. PacMans are interesting and attractive pet frogs, but do not expect much movement except at feeding time. They are aggressive eaters and hunt by ambush. They are carnivorous, feeding on insects and any other animal it can swallow. They can even be cannibalistic so you can only have one frog per habitat – otherwise you may find one missing the next day! As adults, females are about twice the size of males. Males can croak and females don’t. You can not tell the gender of a frog until it is an adult size.